About Us

Meet the people who will provide a no-win-no-fee service to help you get what you deserve.


Scott Verhine

Scott founded Verhine & Verhine PLLC in 1997. As well as being a very accomplished personal injury attorney, Scott has successfully gone up against the biggest corporations in the country and won. 

Prior to working as an attorney, Scott worked as a CPA with Arthur Andersen in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Scott then attended the University of Mississippi School of Law from 1994 through 1996 in Oxford, Mississippi. 

Scott has represented countless individuals in mass torts claims arising from defective devices, including defective hip implants, transvaginal mesh implants, injuries from Benicar, injuries from the Essure birth control products, JUUL vaping injuries, and Taxotere hair loss injuries.  Scott is currently involved in many other mass torts. 

If you want to experience what it’s like to work with an attorney who is kind and compassionate, yet ruthless in perusing justice for his clients, then Scott Verhine is the one you should hire.


  • University of Mississippi School of Law, Juris Doctorate, 1996
  • University of Mississippi, Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy, 1993

Lisa McGee

Lisa has been a loyal paralegal to Verhine & Verhine PLLC since 2002. She has a wealth of legal experience, including coordinating mass tort discovery for more than 9,000 clients. She’s also well known in the industry after having worked with more than 60 law firms throughout the country.

If You've Been Gravely Injured Then You Deserve A Rapid Acting Attorney Who Wins Against All Odds

We cut our teeth taking on big corporations on behalf of the little guy since 1997. You deserve an attorney who’s gone up against the toughest legal teams in the country and won.

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